The web site of medicine-man

Notes of a Medicine Man (NMM)


western medicine-  the science and practice of diagnosing, treating and preventing sickness, injury and ailments, that is both modern and evidence-based and to some degree has its roots in antiquity, and is practised in North America and Western Europe, but also abroad.

complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM)- complimentary medicine plus alternative medicine  . Complimentary medicine is practised along with traditional medicine.  Alternate medicine is used in place of traditional medicine.  

traditional medicine is medicine that is based on the medical customs and beliefs of a people and the region where they live.

orthomolecular medicine-  the science and practice of diagnosing, treating and preventing sickness, injury and ailments through nutritional supplementation with the correct nutrient doses.  The term orthomolecular was coined by the chemist Linus Pauling from the Greek "ortho" implying "correct" and meant the right molecules in the right doses.

[Notes of a Medicine Man uses the term natural medicine, which we define as "the science and practice of the prevention and treatment of sicknesses and diseases by medicinal plants and herbs, and by vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, omega three essential fatty acids, etc."]

Western medicine, complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM), orthomolecular medicine and functional medicine working together are a powerful tool for healing.   Naturopathic medicine. Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

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